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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mizzima – On the Road to Media Freedom in a Better Burma

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by Mizzima News
Saturday, 15 November 2008 23:03

The suffocating media environment inside Burma over the course of recent decades forced Burma’s independent media to reinvent itself in exile. Taking advantage of the flow of refugees emigrating from Burma to neighboring countries, Burma’s exile media offers opportunities for the country’s youth and professionals to work for both self and country, in the fight to restore freedom of the media and democracy inside Burma.

Mizzima – On the Road to Media Freedom in a Better Burma sheds light on the success to date of Burma’s independent exile media and speaks of the obstacles still to be overcome and the hopes and dreams of those involved in the industry.

For ten years, Mizzima has been at the forefront of Burma’s media revolution, delivering news, images and analysis on events and issues from, and relevant to, Burma – through an ever expanding network of reporters and staff both inside Burma and in neighboring countries.

This volume chronicles the evolution of Mizzima from a single laptop to one of the leading sources of news and information about Burma today, and explores what Mizzima hopes to accomplish in the years ahead. Additionally, the reader is offered an opportunity to come to know in greater detail of the hardship and struggles of Mizzima staff in their attempt to deal with life in exile, while still working to bring Burma to the world.

Mizzima is proud of what it has accomplished and hopes that our readers will agree that Burma’s exile media needs continued support as the journey toward media freedom in a better Burma remains a formidable fight to be won.

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